Lincoln said many years ago a nation divided cannot stand
We shed much blood in the Civil War to sew back together this land
But now the seams are frayed and torn and are threatened to rip once more
The media sides with those non white and claim we must settle the score
Our culture is being driven deep toward an unholy nation
No love for church, no love for God, all glory for demonstration
Demonstration with violence and burning in the streets
Our very own apocalypse to which the evil seek
They shout that all is racism, that our country should be ashamed
We glorify all earthly things, money, sex, and fame
We are divided from our neighbors for fear we will misspeak
For today our words are canceled and debate is on the cheap
Politics is now a violent sport that is broadcast daily on TV
It’s never about union of thought, it’s just “what’s in it for me”
We have migrants rushing our border towards the shining city on a hill
How surprised they’ll be when they see, just a wasted landfill
For that is where America is heading without the presence of God
Satan is leaving his mark of the beast upon these grounds we trod
Left or right no matter which way you lean
America can not sustain all the evilness I’ve seen
I pray that we will soon wake up and leave this evil path
For judgment day is coming and we will feel the wrath