This country has been turned upon its head, what’s up is really down
What was right is left, a smile is just a frown
Daylight is no longer for darkness must prevail
Tomorrow must be yesterday, or today, I can’t tell
Cancel all the history to which I was finely taught
Our forefathers being blotted out without a single thought
Cancel out anything that stands in the way of power
Power to deceive us all, in this very important hour
A culture of lunacy, to cancel all that they can
Not caring who gets hurt as long as their power stands
Cancel all the males on earth so evil they must be
Cancel gender all together, no more biology
But what they want to cancel most, is truly my concern
Cancel Christianity, the Holy book must burn
Jesus Christ who died for sin, has seen sin metastasize
A cancer scorching all the earth satan gets his prize
We must fight against this culture, and the evil it displays
We must do everything from falling into malaise
We must pray to our Father to wake us from this sleep
Before the only thing that is left is the abyss oh so deep
They cancelled a Potato that has only a head
And his counterpart so Mrs. Potato said
They cancelled Dr Seus, they cancelled Pepe Lepu
How long before cancel culture cancels all of you