It’s time to put sports in its place
Whether pro sports or an Olympic race
Whether it be baseball, soccer, or tennis played
The flag of our country is always displayed
But those of you athletes who turn your back
Have an education of which you lack
You have no respect for those who fought
For your freedom to play the sport you sought
If you have talent you are on display
Yet continue to embarrass yourself today
It started with one idiot taking a knee
He disrespected the country, he disrespected me
Then those who followed thought it was cool
But you’ve spit on freedom, you are a fool
Soon your playground will be in Japan
And upon the podium many may stand
To receive your medal for all your hard work
But if you disrespect the flag, you’re nothing but a jerk
Men died in battle for the very right for you to display
Your talent on the field in which you play
Show me a nation better than this
Instead on our flag you decide to piss
How shamefully you wear the red white and blue
When you don’t give a damn about who died for you
Of all the hard work you put in to succeed
Was not American pride, just loathsome greed
You do not deserve to stand in honor
If you cannot respect the flag of our forefathers
You will not be watched by many a fan
Because they have too much respect for this land
A land of the free and home of the brave
A land so many died for to save
So it’s time to put sports in its place
Most of its athletes are just a disgrace
If you can’t be proud of the nation worn on your sleeve
Then get your ass out and just leave