To all celebrities, sports figures, left or right,
Why must you continue day and night?
Spewing your politics across the air
Hoping someone is listening there.
Why can’t you just do what it is you do?
Star in a movie, advertise a new shoe.
Why must you spoil what the public thinks?
For your political rhetoric truly stinks.
Except for those who know me well,
Know my politics for which I tell.
It should be no different for the famed we know.
Most just want to see the picture show.
I used to watch the legends of sport and art.
Once I know their politics, away I do part.
I liked you for what you do, not what you say
Cant you put your politics at bay?
I used to have hero’s that played the sports,
Like Jabbar or Jordan, those type of sorts.
Now I’m disgusted by their arrogant speech.
They drain my will like the blood from a leach.
Just dribble a ball in court , or make me laugh in movie.
Keeping your mouth shut would just be so groovy.
I have lost all respect for your harsh directness
in which you shout for political correctness.
Yes we all have the freedom of speech, I know.
That starts by listening to other opinions though.
You think yours is the only thing that’s right?
Who made you the holder of the light?
When I go to work I do my job for which I was hired
If I spewed words like you I’d be fired.
So go back to what you do best,
And leave yourself out of the political mess.
Of course you could run for an office an get elected.
At least then your voice “could be” respected.
Because we the people chose to hear from you.
For your deeds of what you might do.
Most of you are as hypocritical as they come.
You hide in your mansion until out you run.
To moan how the lower class is treated unfair.
But how many of you opened your house to share.
So get off your high horses and go back to your profession.
Step away from the cancel culture obsession.
Let history remain history and the future lay its own.
For the seeds of destiny are already sewn.
You won’t change a single one’s mind.
Even if you shout it all the time.
Go back to the studio or the sports arena.
That’s the only place we want to see ya.