The year was 2021, a new president started his reign
The year that America went completely down the drain
The government has all the power, the people left with none
COVID was the crisis that they drew their power from
They set up new rules that took away our rights
Stole an election from the people, right in plain sight
They promise everything to the people to satisfy their itch
To put it very crudely, the people have become their bitch
They dream of Socialism as the path they want to take
A utopian idea for only power’s sake
They don’t care about the people, only about the power
They pit neighbor against neighbor until the ground is sour
They pit black against white, systemic racism is the cause
They want to reimagine the police, and put the cops on pause
They cancel anyone who does not share their belief
They shame the victims of crime, and glorify the thief
Justice has turned one sided, a tipping of the scale
Guilty is the political right, the left is bravely hailed
The media and the corporate elite decide what you can think
If you don’t believe them, you must need a shrink
They opened up our borders, so illegals can pour in
If they vote in the next election, I wonder who will win
With the flooding of the border, children are used as pawns
To traffic humans and drugs as the mighty liberal yawns
How will our county look once the transformation is complete
How many children will be left to begging in the street
How many unemployed left without a task
When your in the soup line make sure you have your mask
We have little hope to overcome these Marxist ways
Unless we wake up soon from our current malaise
Freedom is worth fighting for, we must never give in
This is America people, don’t let the commies win