The date is January 2022
The Omicron virus targets me and you
Nearing a million mark, of US covid deaths
Don’t worry, next week you can order a test
Our southern border is open wide to all
To feed our children lethal fentanyl
Human trafficking has reached a new high
Drug Cartels must be feeling so fly
Afghans are starving since the day we surrendered
Americans forgotten, no one remembered
The 13 dead soldiers that we lost over there
Our government it’s clear doesn’t even care
We just passed one year since “insurrection” January 6th
Patriotic Americans in solitary confinement
Republicans are the enemy the government now seeks
The stench of this lie by the government reeks
Gangs and thugs on a smash and grab spree
But like Monopoly, they get out of jail free
Killing still going on in the liberal city streets
It’s not criminals, but the DAs we must defeat
Haven’t mentioned the cost of things today
Like throwing half your paycheck away
The government says inflation’s a good sign
Tell that to a mother of four at dinner time
Voting is now getting all the attention
Might have heard Biden give it a mention
Most didn’t like what he had to say
We are racist traitors if we don’t vote his way
All this turmoil in less than a year
Brings a crescendo to what we held dear
An experiment that started so long ago
The curtains are pulled, the end of the show
The last bastion of peace, the shining light on a hill
Is heading toward darkness, a suicide pill
The sins of our fathers and sins of our sons
Sins of America involves everyone
The end is nigh, Gods wrath we’ll soon see
He’ll show no mercy to the land of the free
Goodbye America, your future not bright
Would the last one to leave, please turn out the light