What are we teaching our kids today?
Seems the liberal think tanks are having their way
There no longer is accountability to one self
Just take the Constitution, put it on a shelf
Away from all, so know one really knows
The blood we shed for freedom against our foes
The youth today have been brainwashed to believe
That a cradle to grave government is what we need
No man should have a right to own a rifle or gun
They think the government can defend us from everyone
That was just what Hitler said to the Jews
There only choice, may have been which gas chamber to use
That’s what Mao told his countryman as well
20 Million dead later, who was left to tell
I find it odd that kids today don’t understand history
The Declaration of Independence I’m sure is a mystery
I know what your thinking, socialism, communism won’t happen to this nation
Just keep brainwashing the children, the train is soon to arrive at the station
We have become a country divided, but truth is losing the fight
For our youth have no understanding of why we should have our rights
The loss of one amendment leads to the loss of another
Is Freedom of speech next, no need to look further
According to Liberals speech should be free
As long as you agree with them and not me
So if the youth learn anything before they are old enough to vote
You reap what you sow, remember that quote
Utopia only exists in fairy tales and dreams
Socialism, Communism government ain’t as good as it seems
Just ask those who have escaped from communist rule
Think why they came to these shores, you fool.