My God, my God, I apologize to thee
For America is no longer a God fearing land of the free
We’ve chosen to look away from scripture and the law
Today it is indeed nothing but a free for all
Free for any woman to choose to end a newborn’s life
Free to arrest a man for a meme on a Twitter site
Free to burn the city’s across the western and eastern shores
Free to murder in the streets and punishment is no more
My God, My God, I am so sorry that you had to see
All the civil unrest we’ve had from the mighty land of the free
Freedom here used to be like a beacon in the night
Now all I see is darkness hovered, gone is all the light
One no longer has opinion unless you agree with the power
Politicians hold it all, high from their ivory tower
They forgot for whom they represent, and forgot your holy name
Much like the regime in Germany when Hitler had his reign
My God, my God, I only wish you could end the insanity
As in Ecclesiastes, their thirst is pure vanity
With vanity comes their power, not caring who’s in the way
We are the government; silence, or in jail you will stay
How, long can we go on, so destructive is this nation
How long before you judge and deliver your condemnation
How long can we ignore what we truly used to be
A place of glorious freedom from sea to shining sea
My god, my God, I invite you to intercede
Our country is suffering and the red, white, and blue we bleed
We need the blood of Jesus Christ to redeem our sinful ways
My prayer is we don’t have to wait Lord until the end of days