The End of days is nigh you hear from pulpits and the street
Sin has lasted way too long it’s time for Jesus to meet
Jesus says no one will know when he will make his glorious return
But if you believe, you know this, the cities are about to burn
The End of days is nigh my friend what have you done to prepare
Are you in prayer and thinking of God, or just wondering what to wear
Do you live your daily life as if God is just the distant passing
Or do you ask him to forgive your sins to live life everlasting
The End of days is nigh my friend, will you be here to explain
Will you be part of tribulations while The Antichrist has his reign
Will you be the first of one third to perish as prophecy is fulfilled
Will you succumb to the great plagues that Revelation has revealed
The End of days is nigh my friend are you really ready
Lift your head to the heavens now and hold your hands so steady
Ask the lord to forgive you now and believe he died for your sins
If your not sure he heard you, then ask and ask again
The End of days is nigh my friend are you praising His holy name
Are you standing beside someone who needs to do the same
Can you talk to him about what Jesus Christ has to give
For those who come to him this day, eternity he will live
The end of days is nigh my friend, regardless of the day or date
We must all be ready, be ready for heavens sake
Those whose faith is strong will leave in the twinkling of an eye
Don’t be the one that is left behind for you will surely die
The end of days is nigh my friend, get ready for the rapture
Don’t give in to Satans evil and let your soul be captured
Starting now is your time to have faith in Christ our lord
For you’ll want to hear when the rapture comes to the faithful, all aboard.