Three divided by one is three
That’s true for both you and me
Think of our Lord, then think of three
For we know He is the Trinity.
The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit
For in each, God is within it
One does not exist without the other
Nor would you exist without father and mother
John says in the beginning was the Word
Jesus Christ to flesh transferred
The Word was with God, and the Word was God
How many religions do deny or at odds
Christianity binds our heaven with earth
For without the Trinity we have no worth
Accepting Christ is our way to the Father
Without the Holy Spirit why would one bother
The Trinity may be so hard to explain
But faith and trust is the Lord’s campaign
Trust the Bible and the words penned by Him
Or the end of life will certainly be grim
If you want a life everlasting
You cannot do just works or fasting
You must repent and accept the one Holy Savior
Other than that, your doomed for failure